When you think about economic development, your mind might drift to things like industrial parks, big-box retailers, or that mysterious phrase “public-private partnerships.” But here in Kerrville, we’ve discovered one of our secret weapons for economic growth: our creative community.
Yes, the artists, sculptors, gallery owners, musicians, and even the occasional potter in our beloved town are more than just creating beautiful things; they’re also creating dollars and sense for our local economy.
Here’s the scoop: Kerrville’s arts scene doesn’t just offer a good time on a Friday night. Supporting our creative economy generates real revenue. Studies show that visitors who attend cultural events spend significantly more at local businesses, including restaurants, hotels, and shops. Plus, creative businesses themselves employ residents, pay taxes, and contribute to the unique character of our community.
At the Kerrville Economic Development Corporation (KEDC), we’re proud to work hand-in-hand with the arts community to strengthen these connections. Take, for example, our partnership with the Kerr Arts & Cultural Center, which brings in art lovers from across the state for exhibitions and workshops. Or the annual Kerrville Folk Festival, which fills the town with music, tourists, and cash registers that don’t stop ringing.
And let’s not forget our vibrant gallery scene, which offers everything from classic Western art to contemporary masterpieces. The more we support these businesses, the more we attract creative entrepreneurs who see Kerrville as the place to be—and who doesn’t want to be “the place to be”?
So the next time you’re debating whether to buy a ticket to a show, attend a gallery opening, or pick up that piece of local pottery, remember: you’re not just supporting art. You’re supporting your neighbors, your community, and a thriving, dynamic Kerrville.
Art isn’t just beautiful; it’s good business.